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Selasa, 24 April 2012

Cara mengganti lambang blog

Cara mengganti lambang  
1. masuk ke icoconverter.com
2. masukan gambar yang anda inginkan 
3. icon sizenya di ganti 128x128 yang di icoconvrter  
4. lalu klik bacaan Convert. Secara otomatis akan melakukan donwload 
5. lalu masuk ke blog anda dan buka tata letak cari bacaan favicon lalu edit
6. lalu browse cari di mana kamu menyimpan gambar yang telah kamu edit dan download
semoga berhasil

Cara Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw

Cara Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw

Langkah 1

Yang kita butuhkan untuk membuat gambar / teks tulisan yang sepertinya terlihat sedang berdiri diatas lantai yang mengkilat sehingga memantulkan bayang gambar itu sendiri adalah sebuah gambar / teks tulisan itu sendiri dan efek transparansi/transparen. Buat dulu dokumen baru dengan cara klik Menu File > New atau CTRL+N (ingat bahwa shortcut ada pada sebelah kanan tool atau perintah yang biasanya dikurung). Karena saya akan mencontohkan sebuah teks maka sekarang kita akan membuat sebuah tulisan teks dan akan kita letakkan diatas lantai yang bersih mengkilat.
Klik sekali pada dokumen kerja dengan menggunakan Text Tool (F8). Kemudian tulis apa saja, saya akan mencontohkan “TUTORIAL CORELDRAW”. Kemudian pada property bar ubah ukuran teks menjadi 24 pt dan font arial black (jika ingin diganti saya menyarankan untuk mengganti dengan jenis font jenis black).Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw

Langkah 2

Buat duplikat dari teks tersebut sebagai bayangan. Caranya klik gambar tersebut, tekan Ctrl+C lalu tekan Ctrl+V. Duplikatnya akan terletak persis diatas gambar sehingga tidak terlihat seperti 2 gambar tapi sebenarnya itu ada 2 gambar. Sekarang klik tombol mirror horisontal. Lihat gambar dibawah! Akan lebih cepat jika Anda menggunakan tips berikut. Pilih pick tool, klik pada teks sampai muncul kotak-kotak hitam mengelilingi teks. Sambil menekan tombol keyboard CTRL, klik pada kotak tengah atas dan drag / geser ke bawah teks dan akhiri dengan klik kanan.Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw

Langkah 3

Turunkan teks bayangan (bawah) tersebut menggunakan tombol keyboard pad arrow bawah beberapa akali agar ada jarak sehingga terlihat teks mengambang.
4. Sekarang masuk ke sesi transparansi. Klik Interactive Transparency Tool seperti gambar gelas kaca. Klik segitiga kecil untuk mengeluarkan menu seperti gambar dibawah. Tool transparansi letaknya di ujung kanan. Klik tool tersebut! Klik dan drag pada tengah tengah teks bayangan. Ubah pada property bar angle menjadi -90 derajat dan edge menjadi 0 (nol).MemMembuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw

Langkah 4

Kotak kecil berwarna putih dan hitam (handle) dan sebuah garis yang menyatukan keduanya. Tarik kotak hitam dan putih ke atas atau kebawah sambil menekan tombol keyboard CTRL agar garis benar-benar lurus vertikal. Aturlah garis dan transparansi yang Anda sukai.Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw
Sekarang Kita akan membuat teks / gambar menjadi glossy.
1. Buat shape ellips dengan Ellipse Tool (F7) pada toolbox. Buat besar sampai menutupi sebagian besar teks Tutorial Coreldraw bagian atas.Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw2. Pindah tool Anda menjadi pick tool, ubah posisi lingkaran menjadi seperti gambar diatas. Jika ukuran ellips kurang besar/kecil anda bisa klik dan drag kotak-kotak hitam yang mengelilingi lingkaran. POsisikan seperti gambar diatas. Sambil menekan tombol keyboard Shift klik sekali pada teks Tutorial Coreldraw bagian atas sehingga terpilih dua objek, yaitu objek ellips dan tulisan Tutorial CorelDraw.
Klik ikon Intersect pada property bar kemudian pilih ellips dan hapus dengan menekan tombol keyboard Del.Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw3. Ubah warna Teks tutorial CorelDraw yang sudah diintersect menjadi warna putih / 20% black (lawan dari warna) dan buat transparent sesuai dengan cara diatas (langkah 3.) Dan lihat hasilnya.Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw
Dengan beberapa langkah saja Anda akan bisa membuat efek cermin seperti berikut.
Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw
Jika anda berminat untuk mempelajari secara detail tutorial Membuat Efek Cermin dengan CorelDraw ini, saya menyertakan source File CDR pada link download berikut.

Senin, 23 April 2012

Cara Membuat Aplikasi Java Melalui Handphone Sendiri Menggunakan J2ME SDK Mobile

Cara Membuat Aplikasi Java Melalui Handphone Sendiri Menggunakan J2ME SDK Mobile

Apakah mungkin hanya berbekal handphone bisa membuat aplikasi khususnya java????

Karena memang sudah lazimnya membuat/belajar tentang pemrograman java tersedia banyak tool untuk Komputer yang mudah dijumpai diblog, forum2 dan site lainnya. Namun saya coba Iseng2 mencari kesana kemari membawa alamat ke Mbah Google (Haha....... Kayak Ayu ting2 lg nyanyi mrgreen), akhirnya ketemu juga toolnya yang bernama J2ME SDK Mobile. Tentunya aplikasi ini sudah dirancang untuk membuat aplikasi java dan dapat berjalan baik di ponsel java contohnya ponsel yang sedang saya pakai Soner Naite. Oke, jika kalian ingin berkreasi membuat aplikasi dg ponselmu silahkan ambil ajah :
J2ME SDK Mobile Pro v1.0 (2.591 Kb)

Aplikasi ini hanya sebuah awal saja dari perjuangan kalian membuat aplikasi sendiri, karena yang pasti kamu harus memiliki pengetahuan dan terbiasa menggunakan pemrograman dengan java. Sayangnya disini saya tidak akan mengulas tentang pemrogramannya karena memang saya bukan ahlinya mrgreen Ckakakaka ..... Tapi buat yang baru mengenal aplikasi ini, saya berikan ulasan cara pengoperasiannya agar kalian nggak tersesat biggrin :

1. Unduh aplikasi J2ME Sdk mobile diatas dan instal. Lalu buka aplikasinya, pilih dan tekan New Project untuk memulai membuat aplikasi baru.

2. Kemudian munculah kolom2 yang akan diedit. Disini edit sesuai keinginan :
¤ Project Name = Yaitu nama aplikasi .jar yang nantinya diinstal dan saya beri nama ' Hello ' .
¤ Project Location = pilih lokasi aplikasi yang tersimpan nantinya di memori C (telepon) Atau E (Memori Ekst). Jika sudah tekan create .

3. Kemudian tekan Source Packages

4. Selanjutnya mari kita buat file baru yang nantinya berekstensi .java. Caranya tekan Pilihan - New .

5. Maka muncul opsi2 pada layar dan disini saya memilih Midlet . Terus tekan Next.

6. Selanjutnya kita beri nama pada file baru td. Tapi disini hanya Midlet Name yang saya beri nama '' Halo bos '' . Yang lain tetap.

7. Jika sudah tekan Pilihan - Finish.

8. Maka muncul kode2 file yang kita buat td. Yg udah ahli silahkan diedit . Jika sudah tekan Menu sebelah kanan.

9. Selanjutnya kita buat file baru lagi. Pilih ikon bernama Projects. Disitu (Projects) adalah tempat file2 berekstensi .java yang kita buat.

10. Kemudian lakukan persis pada langkah no 4 saat membuat file Midlet. Tp disini file yg kita pilih ialah MIDP Canvas. Terus klik Next.

11. Sama halnya langkah no 6. Beri nama file baru . Jika sudah pencet Pilihan - Finish .

12. Muncul lagi deh kode2 nya, truz klik Menu sebelah kanan.

13. OKE, jika sudah semuanya mari kita gabungkan kedua file tersebut Midlet.java dan MIDP Canvas.java dengan mengklik Build. Maka aplikasi J2ME Sdk akan mengalami Restart berulang-ulang. Yaitu proses menjadikan file2 tersebut sebuah aplikasi .jar .

Jika berhasil maka ada notif Build Successfull dan keluarlah dari aplikasi. Kemudian cari aplikasinya yang sudah dibuat dan disitu terdapat 2 aplikasi yaitu berekstensi .jad dan .jar tepatnya pada dist

. Install yang .jar . Dan ini penampakan aplikasi yang saya buat, berhubung aplikasinya nggak bisa di Screenshoot Jd terpaksa saya photo mrgreen

Manipulasi Photoshop dengan menggabungkan 2 foto

1. Sediakan dua gambar yang pengen kamu gabungkan

2. Buatlah file baru dengan ukuran sesuai dengan keperluan kamu [CTRL + N]

3. Masukkan dua gambar tadi kedalam file yang baru yang kamu buat dengan menggunakan Move Tool, secara otomatis jumlah layer pada window layer akan bertambar menjadi tiga layer

4. Pastikan posisi layer sesuai dengan gambar keterangan di atas atau gambar yang akan digradien dengan MASK berada pada posisi paling atas

5. Klik pada Layer yang akan kamu gradient dengan mask, kemudian klik icon Add Layer Mask pada Window Layer hingga pada layer tersebut muncul Layer Mask Tumbnail..(lebih jelasnya lihat gambar dibawah..)

6. Pilih Gradien Tool pada window tools, kemudian anda buat gradient pada gambar dengan cara menarik garis dari atas kebawah atau sebaliknya hingga anda mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda..


Selamat Mencoba...

editing photoshop

Step 1 – Background Preparation

Open the photo with the girl. Right-click on the “background” layer and select Layer From The Background, which unlocks the layer. Name the layer “GIRL.”
Now open the picture of the background and drag it into the picture with the girl and name it “BACKGROUND.” As you can see the background is smaller than the photo of the girl. To make it bigger click on the layer “BACKGROUND,” preset Command + T, and while holding Shift make it bigger. If you hold Shift, proportions of the picture stay the same.
Place the “BACKGROUND” under the “GIRL” and make the “GIRL” layer invisible. Before blending these two images together we will work on the background a little bit.
If you look at the “BACKGROUND,” you can see that the quality of the image is quite bad because of resizing. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to about 1px. It will be a little blurry, but it really doesn’t matter. Press OK.
Now make the background darker – add Adjustment Layer Levels. The button Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer can be found on the bottom part of the Layers palette. If you don’t see the Layers palette, then press F7 and it appears. In the dialogue window Levels set the Input Levels on 34; 0,82; 255 and press OK.
As you can see in the preview image the background isn’t reddish but blue. To change your background add a new layer above the “BACKGROUND” layer and adjustment layer Levels and name it “BLUE TONES.” Grab the Gradient Tool (G), pick this color #1f79a3 and fill the layer with it. Now change the Blending Mode of the layer to Color and set the Opacity to 80%.

Step 2 – Blending he Hair

Blending flying hair is always difficult because there is no easy or quick way to do it. But in case that you have a stock photo with a light background and want to blend it with a dark background, there is one trick you can do really quickly only by changing blending modes.
Duplicate the “GIRL” layer, name it “FLYING HAIR” and place it under the “GIRL” (which should still stay invisible). Now change the Blending Mode to Multiply (you can also use Blending Mode Darken if Multiply looks too dark). Add a vector mask to this layer and with a black brush paint over all the parts of the layer except the hair to make them invisible.

Step 3 – Cut Out the Background of The Girl

Make the “GIRL” layer visible. You need to cut out the background of the layer. There is many ways how you can do it. Use the technique that you’re most comfortable with. But remember to cut everything very carefully. I know it can be boring to do it, but if you make it sloppily the result will never look realistic. You don’t have to care about the hair much because we’ve prepared that in the previous step.
After cutting out your picture it should look like the image below.

Step 4 – Retouching The Girl

The girl has ugly shadows under her eyes, cheeks and nose, from the lighting cast during the shooting of this photo. In this step we’ll remove these shadows. Add a new layer above the “GIRL” and name it “RETOUCH.” Right-click on the layer and select Create Clipping Mask.
Now grab the Stamp Tool (S), select a soft, round brush and set the Opacity on 20%. Press Alt and click on a lighter area of her face to set the place from where the skin will be duplicated. Then paint over the areas with shadows (areas which are circled in the picture below). Change the source of the cloning from time to time to get a more natural result.
In the picture below you can see how the face looks before and after using the Stamp Tool.

Step 5 – Color Adjustment of The Girl

It’s obvious that the girl doesn’t fit the background. We’ll fix that during this step by using several adjustment layers.
At first we will remove the yellow light from the light bulb. Add a new Adjustment Layer Hue/Saturation and make a clipping mask from it. Set Edit on Yellows and lower the Saturation to -54.
Now we’ll make the girl bluer. Add a Color Balance Adjustment Layer, make a clipping mask from it and set it as you see in the pictures below.
To make it even bluer add a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer. Don’t forget to create a clipping mask from it. For dark tones select a dark blue color (I used #072519) and for light tones use white. Press OK and lower the Opacity to 30%.
And one last thing for now – we will increase contrast. Add a Levels Adjustment Layer, create a clipping mask from it and set the Input Levels to: 33, 0,73, and 238. Press OK.
After this step your picture should look like this:

Step 6 – Brighten Eyes

This is just a quick step, let’s brighten the eyes. Add a new layer above the “GIRL” and all clipping masks and name it “BRIGHTEN EYES”. Grab the Gradient Tool (G), pick #808080 as the color and fill the layer. Then change the Blending Mode to Overlay. Select a soft, round brush at a size that is similar to the size of the irises, pick a white color and paint over the irises. It makes them brighter.

Step 7 – Adding The Planet

Open the picture of earth and drag it into the manipulation. Name the layer “PLANET.” As you can see the planet is too big. To make it smaller press Command + T and resize it. Hold Shift to constrain proportions while resizing. Cut out the background of the planet.
Let’s add two layer styles: Inner Shadow and Outer Glow. The Add Layer Style button is located at the bottom part of the Layers palette.
Set the layers styles as you can see below:
Add an Adjustment layer of Hue/Saturation above the layer “PLANET” and set the value of the Hue to +90 and Saturation to -20. Press OK and make a Clipping Mask from this layer.
Change the Blending Mode of the “PLANET” to Hard Light. It makes it semi-transparent.

Step 8 – Adding The Tree

In this step we will add the tree. Open the picture of it. Go to Select > Color Range. Then click on the white background which will select it.
Press Command + Shift + I. It makes inverse selection. Drag this selection into the photo manipulation above the “PLANET.” Name the layer “TREE.” Press Command + T and resize the tree on the proper size. Don’t forget to hold Shift during the process so proportions stay the same.
As you probably see the selection should be better. It’s again not hard to fix it. Command click on the thumbnail of the tree. It activates the mask of the layer. Now go to Select > Modify > Contract and set it to 2 px. Press OK. Now press Command + Shift + I (inverts the mask) and then Delete which will remove the unwanted parts.
Add a Levels adjustment layer above the “TREE” layer and set the Input Levels on 21; 1,12; 232. Press OK and create a clipping mask from this layer. Then add a Color Balance adjustment layer and set it as you can see below.
After this step your photo manipulation should be similar to this one:

Step 9 – Changing the Global Light

In this step we will make the place around the planet brighter to catch the viewer’s attention on this place. Add a new layer under the “PLANET” and name it “GLOBAL LIGHT.” Grab the Gradient Tool (G) pick #808080 color and fill the layer. Now go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects and set the dialogue window as shown.
Notice that I place the brightest spot from the center to the place where the planet is. Now change the Blending Mode to Overlay. It changes the light of the manipulation.
I also used this layer to make the eyes even brighter. Grab the Brush Tool (B), select a soft, round brush with a Diameter similar to the size of the pupils, pick white for the color and paint on this layer over the girl’s pupils. It makes them brighter as shown.

Step 10 – Adding Clouds

In this step we will add clouds. Install the clouds brush you downloaded. If you don’t know how to do that look at this tutorial. Add a new layer on the top of the layers and name it “CLOUDS.” Pick white for the color and paint some clouds around the planets. You can paint them around the tree and girl’s hand as well. It’s completely up to you and your taste.
Once you’re finished duplicate “CLOUDS” and change the Blending mode of this layer to Screen. This step makes the clouds nicely white, not grey.
One more thing which must be done is adding shadows. It’s really easy. Duplicate the “CLOUDS” once again and place this layer under the “CLOUDS.” Command-click on the thumbnail of this new layer. It activates the mask of the layer. Grab the Gradient Tool (G), pick a black color and fill the selection. Now move the layer a little bit to the right and lower the Opacity to 25%, which gives it a more realistic result.

Step 11 – Adding the Moon

Open the picture of the moon, cut out the background, and drag it into your manipulation. Place the layer on the top of your other layers and name it “MOON.” Change the Blending Mode to Screen.
Now we’ll add an aura around the moon. Add a new layer under the “MOON” and name it “AURA AROUND THE MOON.” Grab the Brush Tool (B), select a soft, round brush and pick a bright blue color. Lower the Opacity of the brush to about 15% and paint around the moon to make a nice aura.

Step 12 – Adding Apples

Open the picture of the apples. Select the apple in the front and drag it into the photo manipulation. Press Command + T, and while holding Shift make it smaller. Duplicate the apple several times and place it in different places of the tree. You can flip them and rotate them to get more variety.
Once you’re finished merge all layers with the apples into one and name it “APPLES.” Now we have to blend them and add the shadow underneath. To blend them add a vector mask (the button Add Vector Mask is located at the bottom of the Layers palette in the same place as the Add Layer Style button, which we used a few steps back) to the layer. Now with a black brush, paint over some areas to make them disappear.
Now add a Drop Shadow Layer style. Set it as shown below.
After this step your picture should by similar to this:

Step 13 – Changing Lights And Shadows

Now we will change the lights and shadows so they fit better to the scene.
Add a new layer on top of all the layer and name it “LIGHTS & SHADOWS.” Grab the Gradient Tool (G), pick #808080 color and fill the layer with it. Change the Blending Mode to Overlay. Now grab the Brush Tool (B), pick white for the color and paint over the areas you think should be lighter. Use a lower opacity to make the light not so strong and a higher opacity to make it stronger. Lighten the pupils of the girl once again.
Now pick a black color and paint over the area where shadows should be. Play with the opacity again to get more realistic results.

Step 14 – Adding Glitter

Install the glitter brush you’ve downloaded before. Add a new layer on top of your layers. Name it “GLITTERS” and paint with the brush around the girl’s hand a little.

Step 15 – Adding Aura Around The Girl

To separate the girl from the background a little we will add aura around her. Add a new layer under the “GIRL” and name it “AURA AROUND THE GIRL.” Grab the Gradient Tool (G), pick #808080 color and fill the background. Change the Blending Mode to Overlay. Now grab the Brush Tool (B), select a soft, round brush, pick white for the color and paint around the girl. You can see what I mean below.

Step 16 – Global Adjustment

We’ve already placed all elements so now we have to adjust the picture. At first add a new Gradient Map Adjustment Layer on the top of your layers and set it as you see below.
Now add a Levels Adjustment Layer and set it like this:
Decrease the saturation of the picture. You can use an Adjustment Layer of Hue/Saturation or (like me) use the Gradient Tool. Set the Opacity of this layer to 60%.
After this step your picture should look like this one:

Step 17 – Increasing The Saturation of the Eyes

As you can see in the preview picture, the eyes are more saturated than the rest of the picture. We’ll make it in this step.
At first click on the vector mask of the adjustment layer with gradient and lower the opacity. Grab the Brush Tool (B), pick a black color and choose the same size of brush as the pupils are. Now paint over them. This step will remove the desaturation effect on the eyes.
Now add a new Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and set the value of Saturation to +100. Grab the Gradient Tool (G), pick a black color and fill the vector mask of this adjustment layer. Then grab the Brush Tool (B), pick white for the color and paint over the pupils. It makes them even more saturated.

Step 18 – Sharpening

Grab the Marquee Tool (M) and select the whole manipulation. Now go to Edit > Copy Merged and then press Command + V to paste the merged image. Place the layer on the top of all the layers.
Go to Filter > Other > High Pass… and set the value Radius on about 5 px. Change the Blending mode of the layer to Overlay.
The whole picture is sharper. But according to me the sharp background doesn’t look nice and it should be without the High Pass effect. Grab the Eraser Tool (E) and erase this layer on the places where the background is, as shown below.

Step 19 – Changing Lights And Shadows Once More

This is the last time we change the lights and shadows. Paste the merged picture once again on top of all layers. Now press Shift + Command + U to desaturate the image and Command + I to invert colors. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the value radius on about 15 px. Press OK. Change the Blending Mode of this layer to Overlay and lower the Opacity to 30%.

Step 20 – Final Touch

You are almost done. There are two easy things to fix. At first I think that the image should be little bit darker. To fix that add a new Levels Adjustment Layer and set the Input Values on 0; 1,1;255. Press OK.
Now add a Color Balance Adjustment Layer and set the Color Levels on -6; 0; +4 and press OK. That’s all.


Congratulation! You’ve just finished this photo manipulation. Hope that you’ve learned something new in this tutorial or found inspiration for your next photo manipulation. Have a great day and thanks for reading!

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